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Cervecería y Bar | Degustaciones de Cerveza | Cenas | Una Cena Navideña | Cena de Año Nuevo

We all love delicious organic food at “La Casona de Odile” and Juancho, our in-house cook, serves amazing hearty home-made meals 5 days a week. All the food at “La Casona de Odile” is prepared with love and care and will give you the opportunity to sample some local produce and to socialise with the many interesting travellers around the dinner table.

We prepare a variety of hearty local dishes including Argentinian lamb ragout (a hearty lamb stew), beef and beer stew and North Argentinian guiso (lentil stew) with vegetarian options including pumpkin pie, lentil hamburgers and ravioli with a local wild mushroom sauce.

Don’t forget to ask about our collection of Patagonian wines and home brewed beer to compliment your meal.

Nuestras Comidas: Pasta Casera | Fondue de Suiza | Cosecha de Lavanda y Asado Argentino | Trucha Arco Iris a la naranja

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