Degustaciones de Cerveza

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Cervecería y Bar | Degustaciones de Cerveza | Cenas | Una Cena Navideña | Cena de Año Nuevo

Our brew master, Juancho, will talk you through the variety of techniques, methods and approaches to beer brewing and tasting to help you appreciate the multiple aromas, flavors and textures including:

  • Appearance and how to observe the color, clarity and formation from pale yellow and amber to dark beers.
  • Aroma and how to detect sweetness, toasted or roasted characters from the malts.
  • Taste and recognising the variety of flavours: dark fruit, chocolate, toasted or smoky flavors and hops characteristics including floral, citrus, grass, pine, earth, bitter or spicy tones.
  • Mouth-feel and how different beer styles typically impart a characteristic mouth-feel for instance bubbly, tingly carbonation, a smooth or creamy consistency.

Nuestras Comidas: Pasta Casera | Fondue de Suiza | Cosecha de Lavanda y Asado Argentino | Trucha Arco Iris a la naranja

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