Lavender Harvest and Argentinian Asado

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Brewery and Bar | Beer Tastings | Dinners | Our Christmas Feast | New Year Celebration

Nothing goes down better than a cold homemade beer and a typical Argentinian Asado after a long day of picking lavender in the fields. This year was no different with guests jumping in to help harvest this season’s aromatic lavender. Everyone was in good spirits with background music provided by Juancho, our chef, beer or cerveza by Marcel while Julian organised the equipment, layout and drying process of the lavender.

The day ended with a lovely evening around the Asado pit, a typical Argentinian barbecue including chorizos, morcillas (black pudding) and baguette bread to make the famous choripanes.

On the Menu: Home-made Pasta | Fondue | Lavender Harvest and Argentinian Asado | Trout Orange Sauce

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